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Sharing Lists and SearchesHeritage Online users with permission to share their saved searches and lists with other readers will have a Share button in the right-hand column of the Saved lists and Saved searches tables on the Favourites page. The Sharing lists or searchesClick the Share icon Use this form to select the readers to whom you will share the list or search.
Click OK to share the list or search. Modifying the list of readers a saved search or list is shared withTo remove the sharing, or change the list of readers a list or search is shared with, click the Share icon You can amend the settings in the Share using the following options section, or select a list of readers to share to using the Share using a Saved list of readers radio button, or select the Share using a Saved list of readers radio button to share to a pre-existing list of readers. In addition, there is an extra option Stop sharing this list. Select this if you no longer wish to share the list or search. Click OK once you have made the required amendments. Note: The list or search will be removed from the Favourites page of the readers it was previously shared with. |