Bellerive FCJ Library
Bellerive FCJ Library
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It is possible to create reviews for items which are displayed as part of the catalogue records for other users to view.

Note icon Information on creating, editing and deleting reviews is given in the Creating, Editing and Deleting Reviews help page.

The key review for an item (usually the first review submitted) will be displayed on the detailed results screen. Reviews longer than 300 characters will be truncated and there will be a link More... after the review. Click this to display the full review.

Viewing reviews

To view a full list of reviews for the item, display the item in Detailed Results then click the View review(s) button to open the View Reviews page.

  • At the top of the page, a breakdown of the star ratings given to the item will be displayed. Reviews can be sorted by date, reader, or star rating, using the 'Sort reviews by' selection box.
  • For each review, the review text, the name of the reader who wrote the review, and the date the review was submitted will be displayed.
  • To view all the reviews by a reader, click the reader's name.
  • If the reviewer has anonymously reviewed the item, the reader's name will be replaced with [Anon.].
  • Reviews with spoilers will initially be hidden, replaced by the link Click here to reveal the text for all reviews on this page, which may contain spoilers. Clicking the link will display the text of the review and of any other reviews with spoilers on the same page.

To view all your reviews, select Account, then select the Reviews page which contains a list of your reviews. From here you can select a review to view, edit or delete.

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