It is not possible to create, edit or delete reviews if you have been banned from using reviews.
It is not possible to edit or delete a review if it has been reported to the moderator. |
Creating Reviews
To create a review for an item, display the item on the Detailed results screen. The option for creating or editing
reviews is available using most detailed display formats.
If you are able to create review you will see a Create review button (this is present on most Detailed
display formats). If you have already created a review for the item, the button will be labelled Edit Review.
Click it to open the Create Review screen.
- Give the review a star rating by selecting a star from 1 to 5. It is not possible to submit a review without selecting a star rating.
- Enter a brief title or summary for the review in the Summary. It is not possible to submit a review without entering a
summary. You should ensure that the summary does not contain any spoilers.
- If the Request anonymity tickbox is present, it is possible to request that your name is not published
with the review: the author name will be replaced with 'Anon.'. If the box is ticked, then when the review is submitted, the request will be
passed to the moderator. The review will not be immediately visible until the moderator has accepted or rejected the request for anonymity.
- If a review reveals important plot elements which may spoil the story for readers who have yet to read or view the item, then,
if the This review contains spoilers tickbox is present, you can mark it as containing spoilers, so other
readers can decide whether they want to view the review or not.
- Enter the text of the review in the Review box.
- To save the review without submitting it for publication, click Save draft. You will remain on the Create review screen
to continue editing the draft. After exiting the Create review screen, the draft can be opened again for editing as described in the
section Editing and Deleting Reviews below.
Saving a draft review will submit the rating associated with that draft. |
- To submit the review for publication, click the Submit button.
If the text 'Any review submitted will first be moderated by the librarian prior to being made available.
You should therefore expect a delay before others will be able to see your review' is visible at the bottom of the Create review
screen, the review will not be made available to other readers until it has been approved by a moderator. If the warning is not present,
then when the review is submitted it will immediately be visible to other readers, unless you have requested anonymity. |
Editing And Deleting Reviews
To access a review for editing or deleting, log in then either:
- Search for the item reviewed, view it in the Detailed display, then click the Edit review button.
- Select Account then select the Reviews tab.
This contains a table listing all your reviews. Either click the title, or tick the associated tickbox and click the
View review button, then from the page displayed click the Edit review button.
Clicking the Edit review button will load the review details into the Edit Review form for editing or deleting.
A copy of the review is also displayed below the editing form as a reminder of how the review appears as published. If the review is currently
suppressed, for example if it has been reported or has not yet been
approved by a moderator, the text 'Suppressed' will be displayed in the top right hand corner.
- To edit the review, change the rating, summary, anonymity or spoiler settings, and/or review text as required,
then click Edit Review. You will be returned to the previous screen.
If the text 'Any review submitted will first be moderated by the librarian prior to being made available.
You should therefore expect a delay before others will be able to see your review' is visible at the bottom of the Edit review
screen, the previously-published review will not be made available to other readers until it has been approved by a moderator. If the
warning is not present, then, when the review is submitted, it will immediately be visible to other readers, unless you have requested
anonymity. |
- To delete the review, click the Delete Review button. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to delete the review:
click Yes. The review will then be deleted and you will be returned to the View Review screen.