There are two screens on which records from search results can be displayed:
- The Summary results screen normally the screen on which results are initially displayed if more than one hit is returned
and displays brief details of multiple records. The summary display will by default show ten records per page. The default number can be changed
on the Preferences page.
- The Detailed results screen displays detailed information for a single record. To switch to using the Detailed
display, click the Detailed tab. You will be able to view each record in the results by clicking the forward or back arrows.
Alternatively, click on an item's title, which is a hypertext link, to show details of that individual item only.
If a search does not return any hits, the Nothing Found page will be
displayed, providing suggestions for related searches. |
To select records from search results for printing, downloading or saving to a saved list etc., tick the tickbox associated
with the item. To select all records on a page, tick the tickbox at the top of the page of results.
To perform a search on a word or phrase in the results page, highlight the word or phrase, right-click, then select
Search from the right-click menu.
To re-run the search with a different Precision level, click the
Change display button in the Display panel to the right of the results to open the Choose display
format box, then select the precision level required from the Precision drop-down.
Changing the display
From either the Summary or Detailed results, use the options in the Display panel to display the results
as required:
- To change the sort order of the results, select the required option from the Sort by selection box in
the Display panel to the right of the results. For example, if 'Class, Title' is selected, the results will be listed in
classmark order, from the lowest classmark to the highest classmark. Items with the same classmark will be listed by title.
All fields sort in ascending order, except 'Publication year' which sorts results in descending year order.
- To change the fields displayed for each record, click the Change display button. This will open the
Choose display format box. You are able to change the format used on both Summary and Detailed pages.
- The search terms(s) used are highlighted in search results. Click the Toggle highlight button
to turn off this highlighting. Click it again to turn highlighting back on.
Result screen navigation
To move to the next page of items, click the forward arrow
, or use on the keyboard the > key, the + key or
press the full stop key. To move to the previous page of items, click the back arrow
, or use on the keyboard the < key, the hyphen
key or the comma key. Alternatively, click one of the page numbers between the back and forward arrows underneath the results to move
to a specific page.
Options available from both Summary and Detailed results
From both Summary and Detailed results screens you can:
- Add the results to a saved list.
- Print, email or download results as described here.
- Request items from the library as described here.
- Save the current search to My Searches.
Options available from Detailed results
From the Detailed results screen you can:
- Reserve items. If the reader logged in has permission to reserve items on
behalf of other readers (e.g. librarian's login) the Reserve for... button
will be present.
- Rate items.
- Review items.
- View the item(s) location on a library map. If a map has been set up showing the
location of one or more of the copies associated with the record, there will be a link to the map on the Detailed display. On some display
formats this will be in the form of a Click here to view map link; on others, it will be a View Map button.
Click it to open the Maps screen.
- Edit the record (if the reader logged in has the required permissions). Click the Edit button to select the item: when you click into the Heritage Cirqa client it will open in the Catalogue record form (or, for serials, the Serial Title record form) for editing. If you select multiple items before clicking into the Heritage Cirqa client, the first will open in the Catalogue record form and you will be able to move through the selected records using AutoRead.
- Open a Google Preview box where available to browse the contents. This is available when using the display format 'Cover image with
dynamically generated information'.
- Use the Place booking button to request a booking for the item.
On most Detailed display formats, the author name, subjects, keywords, associated or related docs will be hyperlinks: clicking
them will search for all records containing the hyperlinked value.