Items can be given a rating from 1 to 5 using the star rating system.
The current star rating for an item is displayed in most Detailed display formats and some Summary display
If the item has not yet been rated, the stars will appear greyed out with the text 'Not yet rated' superimposed, as shown. |
If the item has been rated, the average star rating will be displayed. Run your mouse over the stars to see how many ratings it has
received and the average rating. |
Rating an item
To give an item a star rating:
- View the record for the item in the detailed results display.
- Click the link Rate this... link next to the current star rating to open the Rate this item
page. This will open the 'Rate this item' page.
- You will see five greyed-out stars. To rate the item, click on the required star. For example, to give an item four stars
click on the fourth star along, to highlight stars one to four.
- Click Submit Rating.
For instructions on giving an item both a star rating and review, see the
help page on creating reviews.